The present often breaks into fragments of antique myths. Lying and backstabbing in politicians’ quest for power is as old as our ancestors first walking the earth. The colonists plowed the ground for rebellion, the field of liberty needing cultivation.
“The Men Who Choose Liberty is a vividly dramatized account of the foundations of our democracy. It is especially timely today, when those foundations are under assault by the enemies of freedom, democracy and the Constitution under which our liberties are defined and protected. This is a rousing good book, a necessary book, a book that offers a reminder of just how much we have to lose.”
T.C. Boyle

Men Who Walked Towards Democracy.
“A tale from youth to death-the adventures of six patriots who tasted liberty and refused to let it be buried in an unmarked grave.” (1732-1775)
Neal W. Friedman,
Author Footsteps In The Poison Ivy Patch
Creating a Republic
Presented in Four Volumes
1767 engraving, published in Great Britain and attributed to Benjamin Franklin.
Unlock the secrets of the past and start your journey of discovery by downloading the first chapter of “The Men Who Choose Liberty” for FREE Today!
The book is an exposé of six founders from their youth to the summer of 1775 at Cambridge, Mass., and how they became patriots, choosing liberty while rejecting subjection to England, the world’s strongest nation.

The man who stood revered in the county of Hanover, Virginia, took a step back at the Shelton Tavern in 1766 and chuckled when he heard his son’s name, Patrick Henry, mentioned from a table nestled by a crackling fire. The face of the sixty-two-year-old John Henry, the county surveyor, colonel of his regiment, and presiding judge of the county court, lit like the dawn. He called out across the room to the group of men chatting by the fire.
Volume 2: The World Turn’d Upside Down
Volume 3: Creation and the Big Lie
Volume 4: Exile and Return